So, it's 2010. Or TwennyTenn as I think I'll be calling it.
Another year gone, and a decade into the current millennium, but I won't be doing any lists of Noughties' this or Noughties' that, 2009's this or the Decade's Most- that. So there. Now I like a list as much as the next man* but I don't go big on the ones that squeeze things into decadal or annual packages, or ones that insist that we stay alive until we've worked our way through all of its entries in some macabre, tick-boxing procession towards justified death.
...I did however once (it would have been in the 1980s) select teams for a (sadly imaginary, and even more sadly impossible) football match between 1970s Movies Stars and 1960s Movies Stars. At least the teamsheets were lists of 11 (no subs allowed in this one-off game), so avoided the other basic list-urge to round up or down to units of 10. It also naturally involved some considerable reflection about player eligibility, positional suitability, balance of the team, formation and strategy. I think I opted for 4-4-2 for the 1960s team against a more fluid 1-4-3-2 sweeper system to allow Elliott Gould to play libero for the 1970s 11.
Anyway, what has happened recently is that I have moved my art HQ to a new studio: Trafalgar Studios (AKA Trafalgar Works). Good light, good space, bit bloody cold at the moment, but very much looking forward to putting in the hours there to get TwennyTenn up and running painting-wise.
* [footnote] List of 11 things (according to a quick, but expert, search on Google) that other people like as much as the next man:
- Peace
- A bag of crisps
- [being on] the side of mankind
- A bit of hip-hop vernacular
- A nice dose of schadenfreude
- Music
- Jesus
- The latest version of FIFA or Call of Duty
- Fight Club
- A good quiz
- A good slice of tomato